Thursday, November 26, 2009

A Tiny Bit Naughty

Since my parents are coming in for Christmas and we only have one bed right now, a trip to the furniture store was inevitable. We planned to buy a queen mattress to go with a wooden frame we recently bought from some friends. However, I was having some second thoughts about the color of the frame we bought. It is a medium color (sorry I'm not up on wood names), and I have a slight obsession with dark woods--think Mahogany or espresso stained. While at the furniture store, we spotted a bedroom set (two night stands, bed frame/headboard, dresser with mirror) in a delightfully dark wood that we both really liked. Ummm...the store was also having a 25% off sale, which they have never had before. The best sale previously was 10% off or free shipping...times are tough, and the furniture people needed to move the goods. Without too much hesitation, we decided to buy the bedroom set and put the step child of a light wood bed frame in our guest room.

Then came the mattress testing. I have always been a "buy the cheapest one and get out of there" kind of gal. This time, we let ourselves get sold. We laid on the most heavenly of all beds. Seriously, we had to lift our hands and praise God when our backs hit that think I'm kidding, but we literally lifted our hands and praised God for that mattress....and then without much hesitation, we bought it too!

David and I have been so ultra conservative about spending--think "we haven't even bought cable since we've been married conservative." I think both of us just cracked at the same time and wanted what we wanted. We had the cash for it, so don't worry that we're going into debt or anything. Can I say felt really good to be a tiny bit naughty?

P.S. I'll post the pics as soon as we get the furniture delivered.


  1. Ok spill the beans...what kind of mattress? Rick and I desperately need a new one!

  2. I think it was a Stern & Foster. It was one of the medium price range ones because they have some REALLY expensive options.
