Saturday, November 7, 2009

It's Christmas time! and other random thoughts

Ok, so I know it's only the beginning of November, but Starbucks has Christmas cups and Gingerbread lattes. For me, that means it's time to snuggle in to big blankets on the couch and watch Home Alone....only it's still like 65-70 degrees here every day. Maybe I'll turn on the AC and pretend it's really cold :)

On a totally unrelated note, I have been thinking a lot about my role in other people's lives lately. There was a time in life that I really understood my relationships with other people. That is not so now. I feel like my relationships are so undefined. I'm kind of friends with some people but not at that friend stage where they truly tell me what's on their heart. The few people that I feel like are my best friends are far away. On top of that, the new friendships I am starting to develop are awkward. Maybe it's the people I'm meeting, but it feels like no one knows how to relate and become friends. It is a struggle to hang out, a struggle to have conversations, and a struggle to get to know them. It isn't a two way street. It's like I am trying to be friends, and they are allowing it but not an active participant in the process. Very weird. Why am I not meeting anyone that just "clicks" with me? You can pray for me about this because it makes me want to just stop trying which isn't good either.

On another totally unrelated and much happier note, David and Kaela, Remnant's worship leaders, got married last Sunday. It was totally a nor Cal wedding. So relaxed and very "hip" (even though I know hip is such an un-hip word to use). I loved being a part of their big day. Here are a few pics of them. They are wonderful. So in love with Jesus and each other.

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