Friday, January 2, 2009

You Never Know

I know that this is only my second blog posting, but I'm going deep today.

So, I had a really strange experience yesterday. I was bored and on facebook--okay that's not the strange part. This is: A guy who came to a Bible study I was in years ago posted some pictures with captions demonstrating that he is now living as a homosexual. When he was in the Bible study and coming to church, I would never have guessed that it was something he was struggling to overcome. When he stopped coming to Bible study and church, I knew he wasn't really pursuing God. I didn't know where that road would take him though. I felt yesterday (and still feel) such a sense of sadness for this guy who is now living a life that is taking him far from God.

I guess what I got out of this whole situation was that you just never know what someone is really dealing with. I have such conviction to really pray for the people around me whether they are Christians or haven't received Christ yet. When we make choices that seem small at the time (like to stop attending a Bible study), I don't think we really anticipate where those choices may lead. It also makes me think, "What choices am I making every day that lead me to walk with God or to turn from Him?"

Okay, sorry if that was heavy. It just really shocked me.

1 comment:

  1. Such wisdom! I see a heart of evangelism and discipleship (not sure I spelled that right) and it blesses and encourages me! I love you girl!
