Monday, January 5, 2009

Airplane Etiquette Part I: Smelliness

As a frequent flier for business, I have experienced just about everything on airplanes. Due to many of my not so positive experiences, I've decided that the general public could use a class in airplane etiquette. So, here is class #1. The topic is smelliness.

Yesterday on a flight from Sacramento to Minneapolis, I had the pleasure of sitting in the middle seat--not my favorite thing to begin with but usually tolerable. However on this occasion, the gentleman to my right smelled (very strongly, I add) like salami. Now, don't get me wrong. I really like to eat salami, a trait anyone from the east coast or Chicago probably shares. After 3 hours of overwhelming salami-smelliness, I may never be able to enjoy it again.

When you ride on an airplane, you will be enclosed in a small, not well ventilated area for at least an hour but typically several hours. People, please shower, wear perfume/cologne, brush your teeth, etc before hopping on the plane. It really goes a long way, and the 28 people crammed within 4 feet of you will be eternally grateful.

Another typical smelliness violation occurs when people bring smelly foods like raw onions on sandwiches or garlic on the plane. I know that it smells/tastes good to the person consuming it. To the rest of us, it pretty much just stinks.

So next time you think are going to the airport, please have some etiquette and avoid smelly situations for the sake of the noses around you.


  1. Thanks for the tip. I personally tend to not take showers everyday, just because I don't need to. But I will for sure remember to take a shower the day of my flight the next time I fly.

  2. LOL...great tips...I especially like the garlic one. You actually sweat it after you eat it so not only do you smell it once, you get it twice depending on the length of the flight.
