Monday, February 2, 2009


Next Sunday is the big day. Remnant Church will be officially launched on February 8. We are believing God that 100 people will be there to experience His presence and be WOW'd by church like they've never seen it before. It is crazy and amazing to have been part of Remnant from the very beginning because I understand how much impact we are going to have on this region. It is a privilege and an honor that God has chosen me (and Pastor Mark, Amanda, David, Gadi, and Ruby!) to serve in this way.

A few notes about church planting as I look back over the past year or so....
If you have never planted a church, count the cost before you do. It is a lot of work. We all knew it would take work, but now we understand what that work looks and feels like. If you want to live like the Bible says to live (go ye), there is more sacrifice involved than you can ever imagine until you've been through it. I appreciate so much the Remnant team. We have all put our entire lives into seeing people far from God fall in love with Jesus. It has been an amazing, challenging, life changing journey...and we haven't even officially launched yet. Please pray for Remnant this week: That 100 people come--we've sown a lot of seeds. That they experience the love and presence of God. That all of the logistics (worship band, volunteers, technology, etc) work out fine. That lives are changed for eternity.

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