Thursday, February 5, 2009

Cleaning the Bathroom

The dreaded chore....I know everyone has (at least) one of them. Cleaning the bathroom is mine. Intellectually, I know that it does not take very long to do. I can complete the task in just about 20 minutes or 25 if I'm mopping the floor. For some reason though, I avoid doing it like I'm avoiding the plague.

Reasons I think I don't like it:

1. The smell of the cleaners

2. It makes me feel dirty, so then I end up taking a shower even if I was clean when I started

3. I now live with a guy (my husband of course)--his clippings from shaving end up everywhere making everything crustier and messier than it was when I lived alone

What is your dreaded chore?

P.S. This picture just made me laugh.....that's not me!


  1. sorting and folding socks. I'm a little too OCD about making sure the right socks are paired up (same level of worn-out-ness etc). also i am sipping coffee while reading this.

  2. dreaded chore is cleaning the kitchen counter. The bathroom is actually my favorite b/c it takes the least amount of time to make it look nice.
