Tuesday, July 13, 2010


This past week was filled with so much goodness.

I shared in one of my very best friends' weddings. I am beyond happy for Jess and Bobby. They have a beautiful life ahead together. I told Jess a long time ago when they were in the "falling in love" stage that my life and marriage with David are so good that if anyone settles for less than what we have I feel sorry for them. I think Jess and Bobby have what David and I have. It is not a quality I can name but some indescribable combination of things that I know when I see. Truthfully, I don't see it very often, even in married couples.

Jess was one of the most beautiful brides ever--I know people say that at everyone's wedding, but this is true. All of the bridesmaids would just stare at her because she was that breathtaking.

I got to play dress up with a couple of old friends and a couple of new friends. There is really nothing I like better than doing hair and make up, putting on beautiful clothes and jewelry, and feeling fabulous. Love the hair, love the shoes, love it, love it, love it.

I did not have to work! I was much in need of time away from email and my outlook calendar. (I'm back at work now and already dreaming of my next time off...) Consequently, the wedding photographer inspired me to figure out what I love doing and then start doing it. Hmmm....the tricky part is figuring out what that is. Any suggestions from my wonderful readers/stalkers?

I loved being around a sister and friends who know me so well that I can just be myself without any explaining. That level of friend is hard to come by, and I really do cherish them. I leave you with a final pic that is a keeper. Love these ladies like whoa.

Many more thoughts and insights from last week to come in future bloggage, so stay tuned for more!

1 comment:

  1. So many beautiful moments this weekend at Jessica's wedding. You articulate it well. I love you babe and it was so good to see love - so hard to explain but easy to recognize - again!
    You are a special lady :D
