Thursday, December 31, 2009

New Year, New Jacksons

That's right. We're adding to our family....but no baby humans. We adopted puppies! Chloe and Nadia are 8 week old sister lab/beagle mixes. (If you can figure out why we named them those names, I'll send you a present. You can't win if I already told you why.) They are sooo frickin cute....and a lot of work! I'm pretty sure we take about 10 potty breaks every day to ensure that there are no accidents on the carpet. So far, things are going well in that department. One thing that has become obvious in their first week with us is how very different they are. Nadia looks much more like a beagle with a short nose and stout body. Chloe looks like a lab with a longer nose and leaner body. They are both black with a little white on their chests.

Nadia (aka Whizzer, Baby Cow, Snuggle Baby, and Pretty Girl): loves to snuggle, snuggle, snuggle. She is definitely a lover...and an eater. When she came home, she was probably 1 1/2 times the size of her sister, and we found out why quickly. At our first meal time, she sat down, spread out her front legs and literally face planted into the food. She didn't move for about 1 minute in which time she had demolished the dinner. Then, she moved on to try and eat all of Chloe's food. Nadia's signature moves include: the leap frog--she will jump from a seated position straight up in the air like a frog, the 360 pounce--similar to the leap frog but she jumps four times in a circle, the groan/grunt--she shows her displeasure with gusto if you are outside in the cold for too long or go into a part of the downstairs that scares her (she is afraid of new places), the crash--when Nadia is sleepy no human effort can keep her awake.

Chloe (aka Lil Whiz, Velociraptor, Psycho, and Pretty Girl--yes they are both my pretty girls): loves to play and explore. Chloe is our skinny minny. We think that she wasn't properly weaned and hadn't eaten for about a week when we got her because she didn't know how to chew food or drink water from a bowl. She has learned though. Chloe can be found sniffing and exploring. She will definitely be our trouble maker but looks so cute doing it that you almost don't want to punish her. Chloe's signature moves include: Sneak attack--she hides about 4-5 feet from Nadia then bum rushes her for a play attack, crazy face--she bears her little teeth and her eyes get all big so she looks like a demented chiwawa, the head tilt--do you remember how in Jurassic Park the velociraptors tilt their heads like they are confused right before they try to eat people? That's what she does..should be cute but it kind of scares me, the guard dog--when she sees her reflection in the glass door at night she goes to great lengths to protect us from the scary dog outside that pounces and barks at us.

More pictures and stories to come I'm sure. I already love my pretty girls.

1 comment:

  1. named them those names because you like Days of our Lives?? LOL...I did a google search and that's the only connection I found. =)
