Monday, December 14, 2009

Great Analogy

I just heard a great analogy about giving. So, here it goes in a paraphrased version:

When a little child decides that they want to give a picture to their dad for a present, they go to the supply of paper that their father bought. Then, they get the markers out of the drawer in their dad's house. The picture they draw blesses their dad because it was out of their heart of love, but the child cannot truly give their dad anything that was not already his.

In the same way, God is our Father, and everything we have is His. He desires that we use what he provides us to give back to Him out of our heart of love.

Why would we ever choose to be selfish and not give to our Father from the abundance He provides? When we don't give, we are saying that God does not deserve what is His and take it for ourselves.

Deep. Kind of makes you evaluate your giving, huh?

1 comment:

  1. This IS a good analogy. It reminds me of what my dad you to say to my brother and me when we were teenagers. We used to think that the house we lived in was "our" house or we had "our" own room, but in reality it was my parents. It all belonged to them! Really puts things into perspective when we think of it that way.
