Wednesday, August 12, 2009

Sweet Spot

At Remnant, we refer to your sweet spot a lot. It's the intersection of your unique gifting, abilities, and talents, with what God has called you to do. Your sweet spot is the place where you find yourself happiest, most productive, and most successful.

For some people, sweet spots are obvious. They just know that they are supposed to be a _____. (Whatever career, life path, role in the church, etc you can fill in there.) For others of us, me included, it's a little trickier. I've never been quite sure how I fit. I'm good at a lot of things but not necessarily passionate about them. I can do a bunch of different roles, but I don't feel like I'm really called to any of them. Every once in a while, I catch a glimpse of myself doing something sweet-spot-ish. I can tell because it's when I really feel fully alive and time just flies. It's never anything that lasts though...just a passing activity or moment.

I think a lot of Christians get burnt out because they are operating outside of their sweet spot. They are filling a role or doing a job for one of the following reasons: Someone asked them to do it, they like the prestige/honor/blessing that comes with a doing it, they think they don't have any other options so they might as well do it. I am pretty sure that I have tried to make different areas my sweet spot for all of the reasons above. Take it from me. You won't be satisfied. You will eventually get frustrated, bored, or apathetic because you are doing something God never intended.

I'm still on my journey to find Lara Alyson Jackson's sweet spot. Now, I'm hunting for those sweet spot moments and trying to figure out how to cobble them together into something permanent. I'll let you know when I figure it out.

What's your sweet spot?

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