Thursday, August 13, 2009


Alright my blog friends, I need some advice.

Several years ago, I had one of those very best of friends kind of friends. She was (hopefully still is) a Christian. We had some pretty strong disagreements about the paths we were each taking in life, and slowly, our friendship just dissolved. It got to the point that she didn't even invite me to her wedding, and we haven't been in contact for at least 4 years.

I was looking back through some pictures and kind of got nostalgic thinking about all of the fun we had and how close we were. Now, I'm wondering if I should try and get in contact with her. It is a situation where the hurt caused was very deep. I have forgiven her, but I don't think we would ever go back to being how we used to be. Too much has been said. Is it worth trying to find her to let her know I love her and hope everything is okay? Should I just let it be? I don't want to find her only to make things weird or hear that she doesn't want anything to do with me now.

What do you think?

1 comment:

  1. First, (I know you know this already) pray.

    Then, I believe that God wants us to be people of reconciliation, and so I would seek reconciliation. But I would do it carefully and with the guidance of God. I also think that the fact that you've been thinking about her is an obvious sign that God wants you to deal with the issues of the past that you had with your friend. Deal with everything in your heart with God in prayer first. Then ask where He wants you to go/what He want you to do from there.
