Saturday, August 22, 2009

One Year

Wow. David and I will have been married for one year on Sunday, August 23. I can't believe it has already been a year, and yet, it seems like it has been so much longer than a year. I decided to write a top 10 list of things I've learned about marriage and it goes:

10. Being married to the right person is a natural step. (People told me before marriage how much we would have to work through and deal with in order to get along. That wasn't the case for us. We just fit together after marriage. It has been easy.)

9. Being married to your best friend is fun. (Of course we argue once in a while, but it has been the most fun I've ever had living with anyone. Everything is better when I am with him.)

8. David snores only if he goes to sleep with his arms flung up over his head. (At first, I was polite and waited a while to see if he would stop snoring. Now if he lays down with his arms above his head, I make him move them right away.)

7. Dating after you are married is important. (Even though we see each other all the time, we still need isolated, concentrated time that is designated just for being with each other.)

6. David knows how to have a good balance in life of work and relaxation. (I tend to work myself really hard and then crash and not want to do anything. He understands the importance of pacing life, so you enjoy it along the way.)

5. Serving someone is much easier when you really love them. (I don't mind doing chore-like tasks for him. I don't mind doing chore-like tasks for him that I don't even want to do for myself.)

4. You need to splurge once in a while. (I totally understand financial constraints. It has been, by far, the poorest year of my life financially because of the wedding, move, and cost of living increases. However, we've found little ways to splurge and just treat ourselves. It's important because you just need to feel a little special every once in a while.)

3. God is the glue. (I cannot understand non-Christian marriages. I don't understand how they survive. David and I have a common view of life and marriage because we have a standard to look at in the Bible. We learn to love each other through God.)

2. David eats a lot. (I have had to adapt the amount of food I cook. I cannot cook just two portions because we are two people. David eats at least twice what I do...easily....and is still not full.)

1. Falling in love isn't just for people who are dating. (I am so much more in love now than I was even a year ago. My love for David is deeper, richer, and more powerful than I knew a year ago that it could be. I know more and more how blessed I am to have such an amazing man as my husband.)

I'm excited for our second year together!


  1. Happy anniversary!

  2. YEaH! Happy Anniversary! I just realized that I made a spelling mistake on a note to you. you will think that it is funny when you see it!
