Tuesday, March 17, 2009


I think I used to dream more than I do now. I know that people say you dream every night whether you know it or not. I just used to know it more I guess. When I do dream, I have very vivid, memorable dreams.

I have two types of dreams--God dreams and random/nonsense dreams. When it is a God dream, I usually wake up immediately and know it was a God dream. The random dreams are a little fuzzier and always less memorable.

When I was little, I used to have really scary nightmares and go charging into my parents room to sleep with my mom. I would say a good percentage of those were probably about spiders.

Another weird thing about dreaming is that while you are dreaming, your body is physically paralyzed. It is something to do with that part of your sleep cycle. I have actually woken up a few times when my body didn't react quickly enough and I couldn't move. Really weird feeling.

Funny dream from the past: I dreamed that I woke up in the morning and wanted to eat some of the strawberry waffles my mom had bought. When I actually physically woke up that morning, I went downstairs to the freezer to get some of the strawberry waffles. There weren't any. I got mad at my sister because I thought she ate them all....turns out the waffles were only in my dream.

Leggo my eggo, Sara.

What are some of your funniest dreams?

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