Tuesday, May 25, 2010

Being Me

I realized in a discipleship meeting last week that for the first time in a VERY long time--maybe ever--I feel like me. For much of my adult life, I have been a chameleon. I have changed and adapted myself to meet the expectations of others. I molded myself to be what I was told was right or the best way to be without really studying the scripture and seeking God to see who He says I should be. No more. After almost two years walking out a life that is being transformed by God's grace, I finally feel free. Free of expectations, pressure, and a "law" mentality. This was affecting every area of my life, even the clothes I chose and how I worshipped. I figured out that I was living my life a certain way because I wanted to do what was in my heart for God (lead women to love Jesus), but I did not think that I would be allowed to do it unless I followed the rules and was a "good girl" by a certain set of religious standards.

I finally feel authentically like Lara. I am moving into living life abundantly--love and grace filled. I am beginning to walk in what God has called me to do and who He has called me to be. I want to live an extraordinary life, and I think I am now in a place where I can do that.

Thank God that He is patient and teaches us lessons when we are in a place to hear them. I hope this encourages you to be YOU as God has made you and called you to be. It is true freedom in Christ.

1 comment:

  1. Good for you Lara! I still don't know who I am most of the time and have no idea when my revelation will come but good to know yours has. Must be a great feeling!
